Leading with respect and an engaged Council

In celebration of 10 years of regulating kinesiologists Jennifer Pereira is the current CKO Council President. She is a professional member who joined Council in 2015 and became the Council President in September 2019.  In celebration of CKO’s 10th year of regulating kinesiologists, Jennifer shared her experience of being the Council President and shed light to the importance of teamwork while leading the profession during a global pandemic. 1. What did becoming the Council President…

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Practice Advice: Privacy Breach Reporting

Kinesiologists are expected to know and understand their obligations in the event of a privacy breach, including (but not limited to): Notifying the individual whose information has been stolen, lost, used or disclosed inappropriately; Notifying the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario when required (refer to section 6.3 under the General Regulation (O.Reg. 329/04) of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA, 2004)); and Informing the Health Information Custodian at your earliest convenience if the kinesiologist who caused the privacy breach…

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Did you know your title is protected?

As a Registered Kinesiologist, you are qualified, competent, and held to a high practice standard. In Ontario, only CKO registrants can practise kinesiology, call themselves “Kinesiologist” and use the associated designations “R. Kin” and “R.Kin (Inactive)”. Your “Kinesiologist” title and designation are protected under the Kinesiology Act, 2007. Use of related abbreviations or alternate designations, such as “R. Kin candidate” or “Pending R. Kin”, by non-CKO registrants is a misuse of title and is not permitted.…

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Are you on top of your Individual Learning Plans?

As part of a kinesiologist’s Self-Assessment and Continuing Professional Development, you are required to create Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) to keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date. It has been almost one year since the last self-assessment cycle, now it’s time to review your ILPs. Reviewing your ILPs is a great opportunity to: Review the professional development you’ve completed in the past year, Reflect on how it may be applied towards the learning goals you set…

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