Mandatory Reporting Obligations

Registered Kinesiologists and those who employ or work with them must report certain information to CKO to protect the public.  Mandatory reporting helps bring important information about a kinesiologist’s practice and conduct to CKO, such as possible professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. Upon receiving the information, CKO will investigate and make a decision about the Kinesiologist’s practice and/or conduct to protect the public.  Kinesiologists’ Mandatory Reporting Obligations As a Registered Kinesiologist, it’s your responsibility to…

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New Council member and Council reappointment

New Council member We are thrilled to introduce the new Council member – Jennifer Yee! Jennifer Yee was appointed to CKO Council on Jan. 11, 2024, and will serve a three-year term. Jennifer has a wealth of knowledge in governance, health care and finance. She is currently the Vice President of Medical Labs of Windsor and serves as Treasurer at OAML Ontario Association of Medical Laboratories. In the past, Jennifer was also a member of…

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Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series coming up

To fulfill our public protection mandate, CKO creates Practice Standards and Guidelines to ensure Registered Kinesiologists (R.Kins) provide safe and ethical care and services to their patients and clients. As a R.Kin, you must understand and adhere to these Practice Standards and Guidelines. In the coming months, CKO will publish a series of Practice Standard and Guideline surveys in our monthly e-newsletter, @ CKO, and via social media channels. The intent of these surveys is…

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Share your experience on CKO’s website

To better support CKO’s public protection mandate while streamlining the brand experience for users and the web content management for administrators, CKO is undertaking a Website Redesign Project. To ensure the new website meets your evolving needs and provides a positive user experience, we created a survey to help us better understand your needs and redesign the website to enhance your experience. The survey is completely anonymous and only takes five minutes to complete. Your feedback is…

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