Quality Assurance Program – Article 1: Introduction to the Peer and Practice Assessment

This article is the first of a running series on the College’s Quality Assurance program. Our intent is to shed some light on some of the QA programs that kinesiologists may not know about or be less familiar with. The first, and one of the most important, is the Peer and Practice Assessment (PPA) program.  The goal of the PPA is to promote patient/client safety by ensuring that kinesiologists are providing competent, safe and ethical…

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Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series #4: Advertising

To fulfill our public protection mandate, CKO creates Practice Standards and Guidelines to ensure that kinesiologists provide safe and ethical treatment, care and services to their patients/clients. Kinesiologists must understand and follow these Practice Standards and Guidelines.   To help identify learning opportunities and facilitate communication between kinesiologists and CKO, CKO is continuing its series of surveys regarding Practice Standards and Guidelines. The third survey of this series is related to Advertising, another frequently arising topic…

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Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series #3: Record Keeping – Response Report

To help identify learning opportunities and facilitate communication between kinesiologists and CKO,  CKO launched a series of Practice Standard and Guideline surveys in March. The second survey was about the Practice Standard – Record Keeping. This survey was published in the May issue of @ CKO, the College’s official e-newsletter.   We are pleased to provide a report on the survey results. Some of the highlights: 100% of kinesiologists who completed the survey correctly responded that records…

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CKO – Office Relocation

In a strategic effort to downsize our physical space and make better use of resources, the CKO is moving. The CKO’s last in-person day at 160 Bloor St. E was Wednesday, May 29th. The CKO will be closed to visits until September as we transition to the new office space, but will otherwise be fully operational. During our move, if you need to send any documents to 160 Bloor St E., please use regular mail only.…

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