Exam Registration Deadlines and Logistics

Spring 2025 Exam

Important dates

The CKO Entry-to-Practice Examination is offered twice a year, in the spring and fall. The next opportunity to write the exam will be on April 9, 2025.

You are encouraged to start the application process early to ensure you meet the deadlines. Please note, if referral to the Registration Committee is required for educational equivalency, a panel typically meets every four to six weeks.

Incomplete applications will be closed after one year. Applicants who wish to apply again will be required to submit a new online application form, certain supporting documents and pay all applicable fees.

ActivityImportant Dates
Exam date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025Approved exam candidates will be required to schedule their exam during the booking window: March 13 – March 26, 2025.
Deadline for the College to receive your:
(1)   online application form
(2)   $150 application fee*
(3)   completion of the jurisprudence e-Learning module*
(4)   official transcripts (and translations, if applicable)
(5)   education equivalency documents (if applicable)

IMPORTANT: Applicants who do not submit all required documents by the deadline will be considered for the September 2025 exam.
Education Equivalency Review Applicants:
January 8, 2025
·       Bachelor’s Degree similar to Kinesiology completed in Ontario
·       Kinesiology Degree or similar completed outside Ontario
·       Internationally Educated

Ontario Kinesiology Degree Applicants:
January 24, 2025
Request for testing accommodations including documentation completed by a healthcare practitioner.January 24, 2025
Exam Registration Form and payment of exam fee*.February 19, 2025
Exam booking windowMarch 13 – March 26, 2025
Withdrawal* and Deferral** DeadlineMarch 25, 2025

* The $150 application fee and the $75 jurisprudence course fee are non-refundable. Check the Fee Refund Policy for partial refunds for the examination fee.
** Deferrals received after the March 25 deadline will result in full forfeiture of the examination fee.

You are encouraged to start the application process early to ensure you meet the deadlines. Please note, if referral to the Registration Committee is required for educational equivalency, a panel typically meets every four to six weeks.

Incomplete applications will be closed after one year. Applicants who wish to apply again will be required to submit a new online application form, certain supporting documents and pay all applicable fees.

Exam Rebooking: Applicants unable to write on exam day for any reason (e.g., technical issues with their computer system, missed appointment) can rebook their exam for the following day at an additional cost of $160. Applicants who do not rebook their exam will lose the full exam fee and must pay the fee again should they write the exam in the future.


Visit the Start an Application page and click the category that applies to you to complete and submit the online application form and supporting documents. If you are applying to re-write the exam, do not submit a new application. Email the College and you will be provided with further instructions.

Applicants who meet the application requirements will receive notification by email of their eligibility to write the exam and must complete these additional requirements in order to register for the exam:

  1. Complete and submit the Exam Registration Form and pay the exam fee.
  2. Register for the online exam on the Meazure Platform.


You can write the exam in English or French. You must indicate your preferred language on the Exam Registration Form. Any request to change your preferred language must be made in writing and received by the College at least four weeks before the exam date. You cannot change your preferred language on the day of the exam.

Testing accommodations

Applicants who require accommodations must complete the Testing Accommodation Request Form. All requests must be supported by documentation. For a medical accommodation, please have the appropriate health professional complete the Documentation of Accommodation-Related Needs Form.

Please submit your complete request by mail or via email by the deadline noted above.


You can defer writing the exam to the next available exam date for any reason, including not being ready to write. Requests for deferral must be emailed to the College at least 10 business days before the exam. The exam fee will be credited in full toward the next exam sitting for deferral requests received by the deadline. Applicants who request a deferral after the deadline will be required to pay the full cost of the exam even though they will not be writing.


You can withdraw from writing the exam if you do not want to defer to the next available exam date. If you withdraw, you will receive a 50 per cent refund of the exam fee if the withdrawal occurs at least 15 calendar days before the exam date. If the withdrawal occurs within 15 calendar days of the exam date, you will not be refunded any amount.

A partial refund may be issued to applicants who withdraw within 15 calendar days of the exam date with a documented illness or on compassionate grounds. 

No shows

Applicants who do not show up for their scheduled appointment on examination day will forfeit the full exam fee.

Changes to name and contact information

If you have legally changed your name, you must notify the College immediately via email and submit proof of the name change. If your contact information (email address, telephone number, home address, etc.) has changed, you must also notify the College. The College communicates information on the exam via email. Please report these changes by sending an email to the College.

Preparing for the exam

The College has developed several resources to help you prepare for the exam. 

School performance report

The College publishes data on how applicants from Ontario post-secondary institutions perform on the exam. 


For more information on the exam:

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