2023 Council update

Council guides CKO and ensures it fulfills its legislated mandate by setting CKO’s strategic and policy direction and making decisions that protect the public interest. Council consists of 10 kinesiologists from across the province and six to eight public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.

An election will be called when there’s a vacancy on Council. This year, kinesiologists in Districts 2, 3 and 6 had the opportunity to nominate themselves or their colleague from May 12 to 26 for the 2023 Council election. We received 5 nominations. After validating all nominees’ eligibility, a candidate was acclaimed for District 2 in June and an election was held from July 11 to 18 for Districts 3 and 6. Here’s a quick update:

District 2 — Because we only received one nomination, as per CKO By-Laws, we are pleased to announce that Pheing Ngo was acclaimed to Council from District 2.

District 3 – Susan Garfat was re-elected to Council from District 3.

District 6 – Alyssa King was elected to Council from District 6.  

Congratulations to all the new and re-elected Council members! They will serve a three-year term, starting on Sept. 25, 2023. We look forward to their contributions to CKO’s mandate of public protection through regulating the kinesiologists in Ontario.