Welcome the new and re-elected Council members

This September we welcomed two new Council members, Pheing Ngo and Alyssa King, and re-elected Council member, Susan Garfat, to Council. We’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate and introduce them to all of our members.

Pheing Ngo – District 2

Mr. Pheing Ngo is a Registered Kinesiologist deeply committed to advancing applied research and education in ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders prevention and return-to-work strategies.

With a Bachelor of Science from the University of Ottawa that specializes in a scientific approach to health and human performance, he is devoted to enhancing human function and performance by refining tools for biomechanics and functional capacity assessments. His extensive professional journey includes work and consultancy in clinical and home-based fitness and rehabilitation settings.

Mr. Ngo’s also has extensive experience in leadership and governance, which will bring a diverse and valuable perspective to Council.

Alyssa King – District 6

Mrs. King is a registered kinesiologist with clinical experience in musculoskeletal, neurological and pulmonary rehabilitation. She has her undergraduate degree in human kinetics and a postgraduate diploma in neurological rehabilitation. She has participated in statutory committees in the past, most actively with the Registration Committee. Participating in these committees has familiarized Mrs. King with legislation, by-laws, policies and decision-making processes that ultimately contribute to public protection.

With Mrs. King’s unique professional background, governance experience and knowledge, she looks forward to working with Council to ensure Ontarians receive the best care from their kinesiologist.

Susan Garfat – District 3

Susan Garfat has been a Registered Kinesiologist since 2016 and a Certified Athletic Therapist. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences and obtained a Certificate in Athletic Therapy from York University in 2001. In addition to working as an Athletic Therapist in private practice and multidisciplinary healthcare clinics, she is also an instructor at the School of Health and Wellness at Fleming College.

Ms. Garfat was re-elected to Council for another three-year term. We look forward to working with her and the rest of Council to strengthen the Kinesiology profession in Ontario.