Council meeting highlights – March 25, 2024

Practice Guideline – Patient/Client-Centred Care

In order to define “patient/client-centred care” within the practice of Kinesiology and provide a resource regarding how kinesiologists may provide patient/client-centred care in their practice, CKO drafted a new Practice Guideline on Patient/Client-Centred Care. Council approved the Practice Guideline – Patient/Client-Centred Care for a 60-day public consultation.

> Check out the consultation and provide feedback

Updated Risk Management Plan – 2023/2024

Council agrees that the updated Risk Management Plan for 2023/2024 appropriately prioritizes and addresses the identified risks in light of the College’s overall risk tolerance. Council approved updates and amendments to the CKO Risk Management Plan for the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

Amendment to Language Proficiency Policy

In accordance with the language proficiency testing requirements of Ontario Regulation 508/22 under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), Council approved an amendment to the Language Proficiency Policy to include the Pearson Test of English.

> Review the amended Language Proficiency Policy

Updated Kinesiologist Core Competency Profile and Exam Blueprint

The College has completed the first-ever review and revalidation of the Core Competency Profile to ensure it continues to reflect the knowledge, skills and judgment expected of kinesiologists at the entry-to-practice level. The Exam Blueprint was also updated to align with the revisions to the Core Competency Profile. Both updates will be in the Entry-to-Practice Examination starting in April 2025.

> Review the updated Core Competency Profile

The College is Moving!

CKO’s lease at our current workspace (160 Bloor Street E in Toronto) ends in June 2024. CKO will relocate to a more cost-effective office space in midtown Toronto. At the March 2024 meeting, Council approved the short-term reallocation of funds to support the move while ensuring minimal impact on the organization’s operational effectiveness during this transition.

College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF)

As a health profession regulator in Ontario, CKO is required to submit the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) every year to demonstrate how the College effectively regulates the kinesiology profession in the public interest. Council approved the CKO’s 2023 CPMF report for submission to the Ministry of Health.

> Read CKO’s 2023 CPMF

Website Redesign Project – Approval of Vendor

To better support the College’s public protection mandate and improve information sharing, CKO initiated a website redesign project. Following careful consideration of all proposals, CKO presented a proposed vendor to Council at the March 2024 meeting. After considering whether the proposed vendor was the best fit to deliver the required service and help fulfill our regulatory communication requirements, Council approved the selection of the proposed vendor.

Amendment to Committee Slate

CKO regularly reviews the committee slate to ensure that all of the College’s committees are properly constituted and that appointees meet the eligibility criteria and the Terms of Reference of each committee. Council approved proposed amendments to the committee slate, including:

  • Appointments to the Examination Committee;
  • Appointments to the Item Writing Committee; and
  • Appointment of a new public Council member, Jennifer Yee, to the following committees:
    • Patient Relations Committee,
    • Quality Assurance Committee,
    • Discipline Committee, and 
    • Fitness to Practice Committee.

> Review the updated Committee Slate