Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series #1: Scope of Practice – Survey Response

To help identify learning opportunities and facilitate communication between kinesiologists and CKO,  CKO launched a series of Practice Standard and Guideline surveys in March. The first survey was about the Practice Guideline – Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts and Delegation and was published in the March issue of @ CKO, the College’s official e-newsletter.

We received many responses from kinesiologists across the province:

  • 29.73% of respondents were from Central West Ontario
    • 24.32% of respondents were from Central Ontario
    • 13.51% of respondents were from Eastern Ontario
    • 10.81% of respondents were from Northern Ontario
    • 10.81% of respondents were from Western Ontario
    • 8.11% of respondents were from Central East Ontario
    • 2.70% of respondents were from kinesiologists practicing in Academic settings

We are pleased to provide a report on the survey results. Some of the highlights include:

  • 93.33% of respondents correctly identified the scope of practice of kinesiology as:

“The assessment of human movement and performance and its rehabilitation and management to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement and performance.”

  • 68.89% of respondents correctly noted that the scope of practice:
    • “Allows for the diversity of settings in which kinesiologists practice” AND
    • “Allows the use of a range of treatments, care and services that are flexible enough to apply to a broad spectrum of patients/clients”.
  • 66.67% of respondents accurately identified that the following statement is incorrect:

“Assignment is the process by which a regulated health care professional may transfer the authority to perform a Controlled Act to any other individual.”

  • Based on responses received to Questions 5 (Scope of Practice) and 6 (Delegation and Controlled Act), kinesiologists may wish to review the Practice Guideline and reflect on your understanding of the following concepts:
    • Controlled Acts (pg 2-4 of the Practice Guideline) (specific procedures that may only be performed by regulated health care professionals who are authorized to do so in legislation); and
    • Delegation (pg. 4-7 of the Practice Guideline), which is the process by which a regulated health care professional may transfer the authority to perform a Controlled Act to any other individual.

In response to some specific questions and feedback from the survey:

  • Questions seeking more details regarding Controlled Acts and exceptions that may apply.
  • Questions about the relationship between an authorizer or delegator (person delegating the Controlled Act) and delegatee (person receiving delegation).
    • In general, authorizers/delegators are expected to follow the rules and standards regarding delegation set by the College of their profession. CKO advises that kinesiologists who work closely with other regulated professionals should familiarize themselves with the delegation standards of the College(s) to which their colleagues belong.
    • Delegation standards observed by other regulatory Colleges may affect a member’s ability to accept delegation. Kinesiologists are expected to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals and communicate openly regarding the delegation of Controlled Acts.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to respond, and we look forward to your continued engagement with this survey series!

Questions and/or feedback about the survey, and Practice Standards and Guidelines?
