The College provides practice standards and guidelines to support kinesiologists in providing safe and ethical services to their patients/clients.
Practice standards outline the expectations for kinesiologists that contribute to public protection. They inform kinesiologists of their accountabilities and the public of what to expect of kinesiologists.
Practice guidelines help kinesiologists understand their responsibilities and how to make safe and ethical decisions in their practice.
The Code of Ethics defines the way kinesiologists, in all situations, should uphold the integrity of the profession, serve the interests of patients/clients, and act in a manner that justifies public trust.
The standards and guidelines are based on the Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario. The Essential Competencies defines the knowledge, skill, judgement and attitudes required to practise in the public interest.
The College provides a variety of educational and consultative services – including webinars, articles, FAQs and practice support – to help kinesiologists understand the standards and how to apply them to their practice.
Practice Standards
Practice Guidelines
Practice Advice
Providing Virtual Care
Use of Titles and Designations
Advertising your practice
Privacy Breach Reporting
How to ensure the consent you obtain is informed
Reminder: Billing to insurance companies
Documenting and invoicing third parties and clients
Why doesn’t the College set fees for kinesiology services?
Expectations for professional conduct
Social media use by R.Kins
To accept or not to accept?
The kinesiologist-employer relationship
Do you know what you need to report?
HIC reporting obligations
Three things to remember about your name and designation
How should you bill for your services?
The dos and don’ts of virtual service
The importance of record keeping in support roles
Scope of Practice
Scope of practice and dual registration
Record Keeping Practice Standard