Peer and Practice Assessment

The peer and practice assessment (PPA) is a legislated requirement of the College’s Quality Assurance Program. The PPA is an educational, structured interview conducted by peer assessors. The PPA assesses kinesiologists’ knowledge, skill and judgement, based on the Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario and the College’s practice standards. The goal is to help kinesiologists identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement within their practice. Each year, kinesiologists are randomly selected to participate in PPA to help ensure their continued competence.

What to expect

The peer assessor will ask the kinesiologist situation-based questions (relating to a recent event or situation) and/or case-based questions (relating to a recent patient or client case). The kinesiologist is asked to describe the situation and/or case, their actions, the results, and patient or client outcomes. 

Kinesiologists in clinical or mixed practice (i.e., working directly with patients or clients) are asked one set of situation-based questions and one set of case-based questions. Kinesiologists in non-clinical practice (i.e., not working directly with patients or clients) are asked two sets of situation-based questions. The questions are based on the Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario and the College’s practice standards.

For kinesiologists in clinical or mixed practice, the peer assessor will also review a patient or client record and discuss record keeping practices.

Timing and location

PPAs occur in the spring and fall. The PPA must take place within 90 days of receipt of the notice of selection. Kinesiologists who are selected to participate will work with the College to determine the most suitable date and time for the assessment.

Most PPAs are conducted virtually, and will take approximately three hours.

Access to patient/client information and records

For the purpose of carrying out a PPA, a peer assessor, or the College, may review any records related to the care of a patient or client. The College’s right to access this information is in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004. Employers can review the access to patient/client records letter from the College to help better understand the process.

Preparing for the PPA

Kinesiologists are strongly encouraged to review the Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario and the practice standards and guidelines to self-assess whether they are meeting the practice standards.

After the PPA

The peer assessor will write a report that is provided to the kinesiologist after the assessment. The kinesiologist will then have an opportunity to send a written response to the report, to address any opportunities for improvement identified and offer additional information that was not communicated during the interview.

The report, kinesiologist’s regulatory history and submission will be considered by the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), who will determine whether the kinesiologist has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge, skill, and judgment is not satisfactory. The QAC may provide advice, recommendations or direction regarding future actions to be taken by the kinesiologist.


The College will not notify the kinesiologist’s employer of their participation in the PPA or the outcome. It is the kinesiologist’s responsibility to advise their employer if they must be notified to obtain a patient or client record.

Related FAQ's

  • There are several methods by which Kinesiologists can be selected for participation, either through being outstanding on a registration requirement such as outstanding Professional Liability Insurance, not completing another QA program such as the Self-Assessment or eLearning Modules, or through random selection.

  • All members selected for PPA are required to participate. If you feel you are unable to complete the PPA at this time, you can complete an application for deferral or exemption and submit it to Deferral and Exemption requests may be approved by the Quality Assurance Committee based on the corresponding policies.

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