Continuing Professional Development

Kinesiologists are required to participate in continuing professional development (CPD) activity to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date, and to demonstrate a commitment to continuous quality improvement. 

The College does not require kinesiologists to accumulate a certain number of CPD hours or credits per year, and CPD activity does not need to be approved by the College.  Rather, learning is to be self-directed. Kinesiologists are encouraged to select learning activities based on their own needs and goals, and to reflect on how learning impacts their practice.

CPD activity does not have to be completed within the year it began. Continuing activity (e.g. part-time degree studies) is permitted, provided it is associated with a specific learning goal(s) and an end date is given. Kinesiologists are required to report on their progress and evaluate the efficacy of their learning during each self-assessment.

For the purposes of the QA program, the CPD activity selected must help achieve the learning goals identified in the individual learning plan (ILP).  ILPs can be updated at any time.

Professional portfolio

Kinesiologists are required to maintain a portfolio that contains records or evidence of CPD activity undertaken to achieve the learning goals identified in the ILP. Kinesiologists can upload evidence of CPD activity to the Self-Assessment Portal, or store documentation in another location (e.g. storage box, filing cabinet, etc.).  For examples of acceptable evidence of participation in CPD activity, refer to the Portfolio Contents and Format Policy.

CPD Directory

The College has compiled a list of courses and other resources to guide kinesiologists in selecting CPD activity. The links contained within the directory are not intended to be a comprehensive or complete list, and inclusion is not an endorsement by the College of their value. 

We are working to build a comprehensive listing, and we need your help. If you are aware of other CPD opportunities you think should be posted here and/or have a CPD service, course or conference that you would like listed on the directory, please email the College.

*Current Council and non-Council committee members and peer assessors cannot submit their CPD services for posting on the directory. This may put them in a conflict of interest or create the perception of a conflict. Former Council and non-Council committee members and peer assessors cannot use their previous association to promote their services.

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