Supervision and Education of Students and Support Personnel


This practice standard describes kinesiologists responsibilities and accountabilities when supervising students or support personnel.

To learn more please read the full standard available above.

Practice Guidelines

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essential competencies

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Performance Indicators
Practice Illustrations
3.4.2 Recognizes and manages inequalities (real or perceived) in balance of power between the patient/client, staff, students and self.

Creates policies and procedures for students and staff to help minimize inequalities of power. Recognizes that a power differential exists and that patients/clients, staff and students may not feel free to say no to specific invitations.

4.3.1 Demonstrates understanding of the role and approved responsibilities of support personnel and students.

Follows the organization’s policies related to assigning tasks to support personnel and students. Obtains student learning objectives when providing clinical support or supervision.

4.3.2 Assigns tasks according to the individual’s personal sphere of competence and organization’s policies.

Confirms experience and understanding of role with the support personnel or student. Confirms roles described in the job description. Observes competence when teaching and assigning tasks for first time.

4.3.3 Anticipates and takes responsibility for managing potential negative outcomes.

Monitors the kinesiology service components assigned to the support personnel and/or students to ensure patient/client safety, and competent and ethical practice.
Identifies risk of fall or injury when assigning support personnel to a supervised exercise regime and ensures support personnel have the knowledge and training to safely assist patient/client.
Re-assigns task if lack of skill by support staff or student is identified and reports concerns to the appropriate supervisor.
Intervenes if patient/client health is unstable and requires assessment and/or supervision by another
health professional.

4.3.4 Provides regular feedback and evaluation to improve practice and to ensure positive patient/client outcomes.

Conducts performance reviews.
Provides positive re-enforcement and constructive feedback.
Provides opportunity for learning (e.g. recommends internet resources, provides current research articles,invites to in-services).
Establishes processes for communications with the support personnel or student when one is not present or available for consultation

4.3.5 Obtains informed consent from the patient/client for the direct involvement of support personnel and students in patient/client care.

Ensures the patient/client understands the professional status and/or qualifications of the support personnel or student.
Transparently communicates the billing structure when services are performed by a support personnel or student.
Follows the Healthcare Consent Act, 1996 when obtaining informed consent for the involvement of the support personnel or student.
Documents informed consent for the involvement of the support personnel or student.

4.6.4 Evaluates learning needs of the individual or target group and modifies education methods when required.

Interviews patient/client or group and appropriate support persons to ascertain their level of
Observes and corrects patient/client performance of exercise or task using diagrams, when necessary.
Tests students’ knowledge, skill and judgment using a variety of assessment methods (e.g. factual and casebased multiple choice questions, demonstration, reflective practice exercises).

4.6.7 Implements an individualized teaching plan in order to promote, maintain and enhance health, wellness, function and movement.

Incorporates patient/client or student goals in the learning plan.
Obtains a completed self-evaluation of the patient’s/client’s or student’s level of knowledge and/or performance and adjusts plan accordingly.

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