Council & Committees
Similar to a board of directors, Council guides CKO and ensures it fulfills its legislated mandate by setting CKO’s strategic and policy direction and making decisions that protect the public interest. Based on Council’s direction, CKO is led by the registrar/CEO that carries out the College’s day-to-day work.
Council is made up of:
- 10 kinesiologists elected by their peers for three year terms, one of whom must be a member of an Ontario university’s faculty or department of kinesiology; and
- Six to eight public members appointed by the Ontario Government to provide the public’s point of view.
Council meets at least four times a year and meetings are open to the public. The College publishes summaries of each meeting and all approved minutes must be posted online.
Role of Council members
Council members serve and act in the public interest. They contribute to public protection by:
- sharing ideas and perspectives to help shape the College’s strategic and policy direction;
- making decisions about standards of practice, professional conduct, requirements for entry-to-practice and continuing professional development; and
- working collaboratively with people affected by the College’s work to improve regulation of the profession.
Learn more about the obligations of Council members by reviewing the Council and Committee Member Code of Conduct, and the Conflict of Interest By-Law.
Council members
Professional Members (R. Kin)
Benjamin Matthie – Council President
Alyssa King
Corby Anderson
Heather Westaway
Jane Gage
Leanne Smith (Academic member)
Matthew Daher
Oluwashindara Isaac-Oloye
Susan Garfat
Public Members (appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario)
Victoria Nicholson – Council Vice-President
Chad McCleave
Jana Smith
Jennifer Yee
Jotvinder Sodhi
Sara Gottlieb
Teresa Bendo
Role of the president, vice-president and registrar
Learn about the roles of Council President, Vice-President and Registrar:
The president is the chair of Council and Executive Committee. The president ensures that:
- Council is fulfilling its mandate and strategic goals in accordance with the College’s By-Laws and applicable legislation, and
- Council members understand and fulfill their responsibilities.
The vice-president is a member of the Executive Committee and performs the duties of the president in the president’s absence.
The registrar is the chief operating officer of the College and is responsible for managing the College’s operations. The registrar is accountable to Council and the Ministry of Health. Supported by staff, the registrar is responsible for implementing the College’s strategic plan and the policies approved by Council. The registrar also provides leadership and advice on the development of policies and procedures that allow the College to achieve its mandate.
Council Effectiveness Review Framework (CERF)
CKO Council is committed to reviewing the performance of Council members, the chair and committees. Such an evaluation, as conducted on a three-year basis by an external third party, is aligned with the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) requirements. This evaluation process enables Council members to identify actionable opportunities for continuous improvement.
The 2024 Council Effectiveness Review Framework (CERF) was approved by CKO Council at their December meeting.
Council Elections
From October 9 – 21, kinesiologists were offered the opportunity to nominate themselves or another kinesiologist to Council in District 2 – Eastern. The College would like to congratulate Kristin Baker on her election by acclamation to Council for a three-year term.
Not sure what’s involved and want to learn more about serving on Council? View the expectations of Council members and learn more about Council.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please email
Determining your electoral district
There are seven electoral districts for the purpose of Council elections. Your electoral district is determined by your practice location. If you are not working, your electoral district is determined by your residential location.
> View the electoral districts
If you work or live in one of these districts, you will receive a notification email on July 9, 2024 that contains information and a link to your ballot.
Competency and eligibility
To run for election, you:
- must be registered in good standing;
- cannot have been an employee, officer or director of any professional association or certifying body in the healthcare or health-related field for one year before submitting your nomination;
- must run in the district in which you are eligible to vote; and
- (District 7 only) must also be employed full-time at a faculty or department of kinesiology at an Ontario university.
> View the full eligibility requirements
You should also assess yourself against the Council and Committee Competency Profile that will be used to determine eligibility and suitability of kinesiologists wanting to stand for election to Council. In addition, candidates must complete an online Council Orientation Module, which is one of the requirements to run in the election. It should take you approximately one hour to complete. At the end of the module, you’ll be asked to submit a form to notify the College that you’ve completed it.
If you work or live in one of these districts, check your inbox in May for more information and consider running! This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to public protection and the future of the profession.
> View the Council and Committee Competency Profile
> Complete Council Orientation Module
Required training for prospective Council members
Prospective Council members must complete an orientation program before they can be deemed eligible to run for election.
To learn more about serving on Council:
> View the “Being a Council member” section at the bottom of this page
Questions? Please email
Commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
CKO strives to create a diverse and inclusive setting that reflects the communities we serve. In the spirit of diversity, equity and inclusion, CKO welcomes and encourages the candidacies of kinesiologists from visible minority/racialized, marginalized and rural communities, as well as internationally educated kinesiologists and those practising in expanded, collaborative and/or community health team models.
We welcome questions regarding the election process and are willing to work with candidates to ensure that the election process is fair, transparent and inclusive. Please let us know if you require any accommodation to participate in Council elections and committee appointments.
Conflict of interest
CKO is mandated to protect the public by regulating kinesiologists and kinesiology practice in Ontario. All Council and committee members and volunteers have a duty to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that serves and protects the public interest. They must not engage in any activities or in decision-making concerning any matters where they have a direct or indirect personal or financial interest.
> Review the Council and Committee Member and Volunteer Conflict of Interest Policy
> Read CKO’s By-law 16 – Conflict of Interest
> Download CKO’s Conflict of Interest Form
Every Council and committee member must complete the Conflict of Interest Form annually declaring their current and recent affiliations with professional associations and other organizations as outlined in the policy.
Being a Council member
You will attend Council and committee meetings and participate in discussions and decision-making that impacts your profession and the patients/clients of kinesiologists. You will need to review meeting materials and come prepared to discuss and consider the various matters before Council or committees.
Time commitment
Council meets at least four times a year for at least one full day. Council meetings are typically in-person meetings although recent meetings have been virtual or a hybrid combination of in person and online.
You are expected to sit on at least two committees. Committees usually meet every six to eight weeks depending on the caseload, or only when necessary. All Council members are automatically on the Discipline and Fitness to Practise committees, which only meet in panels (i.e., a small sub-set of the committee). Committee selection occurs at the first Council meeting following the election.
Council and committee dates are set in advance as much as possible to help you plan. Council and committee materials are provided to you at least one week before the meeting to give you time to review.
Council members receive a per diem of $150 for each meeting attended (Council and committee meetings, including teleconferences). Preparation time is paid and the College reimburses all reasonable travel, meal and accommodation expenses related to attending a meeting.
Orientation and training
Once elected, you will receive an information package with details about upcoming meetings and how to select your committees. You will also be provided with various resources to read over. An orientation day is held following the election for new Council members.
Committees support the work of Council. Each Council member also serves on at least two committees. Committees include elected and public members of Council, and kinesiologists who are not on Council.
Statutory committees
The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires the College to have in place the following seven committees:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee has all of the powers of Council between Council meetings with respect to any matter(s) that require immediate attention. Executive Committee cannot make, amend, or revoke a regulation or by-law.
Committee members:
- Benjamin Matthie, Chair
- Victoria Nicholson, Vice-Chair
- Heather Westaway
- Leanne Smith
- Teresa Bendo
Registration Committee
The Registration Committee protects the public by creating and maintaining the rules and policies for those who wish to register with the College. The Registration Committee also reviews applications referred by the Registrar and provides written decisions with reasons on how the application will be treated.
Committee members:
- Sara Gottlieb, Chair
- Corby Anderson, Vice-Chair
- Alyssa King
- Leanne Smith
- Heather Westaway
- Jane Gage
- Victoria Nicholson
- Jana Smith
- Miriam Fong (non-Council committee member)
- William Gittings (non-Council committee member)
- Daniel Crete (non-Council committee member)
- Kristen Hoving (non-Council committee member)
- Katelyn Methot (non-Council committee member)
- Stefano Rulli (non-Council committee member)
Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance Committee protects the public by creating and maintaining programs and policies that help ensure kinesiologists keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date.
Committee members:
- Heather Westaway, Chair
- Chad McCleave, Vice-Chair
- Matthew Daher
- Oluwashindara Isaac-Oloye
- Jotvinder Sodhi
- Jennifer Yee
- Mehrdad Alizadeh-Meghrazi (non-Council committee member)
- Delissa Burke (non-Council committee member)
- Daniel Crete (non-Council committee member)
- Brooke Hamilton (non-Council committee member)
- Sherry Parent (non-Council committee member)
- Logan Strasser (non-Council committee member)
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC)
The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) protects the public by reviewing concerns about a kinesiologist that are brought to the College’s attention. These concerns can be in the form of complaints and/or mandatory reports.
Committee members:
- Teresa Bendo, Chair
- Susa Garfat, Vice-Chair
- Corby Anderson
- Benjamin Matthie
- Jane Gage
- Jana Smith
- Sara Gottlieb
- Katelyn Methot (non-Council committee member)
- Stefano Rulli (non-Council committee member)
- Miriam Fong (non-Council committee member)
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee protects the public by holding hearings when cases are referred to it by the ICRC.
- Benjamin Matthie, Chair
- Alyssa King
- Brooke Hamilton (non-Council committee member)
- Chad McCleave
- Corby Anderson
- Heather Westaway
- Jana Smith
- Jennifer Yee
- Jotvinder Sodhi
- Leanne Smith
- Matthew Daher
- Mehrdad Alizadeh-Meghrazi (non-Council committee member)
- Jane Gage
- Oluwashindara Isaac-Oloye
- Sara Gottlieb
- Susan Garfat
- Teresa Bendo
- Victoria Nicholson
All Council members are members of the Discipline Committee and panels of the Committee are appointed by the chair to conduct a hearing.
Fitness to Practise Committee
The Fitness to Practise Committee protects the public by holding hearings to determine if a kinesiologist’s physical or mental condition has an negative impact on practising kinesiology and could cause risk of harm to their patients/clients.
- Victoria Nicholson, Chair
- Alyssa King
- Benjamin Matthie
- Chad McCleave
- Corby Anderson
- Heather Westaway
- Jana Smith
- Jane Gage
- Jennifer Yee
- Jotvinder Sodhi
- Leanne Smith
- Matthew Daher
- Oluwashindara Isaac-Oloye
- Sara Gottlieb
- Susan Garfat
- Teresa Bendo
All Council members are members of the Fitness to Practise Committee and panels of the Committee are appointed by the chair to conduct a hearing.
Patient Relations Committee
The Patient Relations Committee protects the public by creating and maintaining measures for preventing or dealing with the sexual abuse of patients/clients, including educational requirements for kinesiologists; guidelines for the conduct of kinesiologists with their patients/clients; training for the College’s staff; and providing information to the public. This is known as the Patient Relations Program. The Patient Relations Committee also administers the funding for therapy for sexual abuse victims.
Committee members:
- Susan Garfat, Chair
- Corby Anderson, Vice-Chair
- Benjamin Matthie
- Alyssa King
- Teresa Bendo
- Jana Smith
- Jotvinder Sodhi
- Jennifer Yee
- Mehrdad Alizadeh-Meghrazi (non-Council committee member)
- Brooke Hamilton (non-Council committee member)
- Logan Strasser (non-Council committee member)
- Stefano Rulli (non-Council committee member)
- Miriam Fong (non-Council committee member)
Non-statutory committees
Committees that support the work of the College but that are not required under the RHPA are called non-statutory committees. The College has created the following non-statutory committees:
Planning and Finance Committee
The Planning and Finance Committee provides guidance and advice to ensure the College’s financial stability.
Committee members:
- Teresa Bendo, Chair
- Chad McCleave
- Heather Westaway
- Benjamin Matthie
- Leanne Smith
Examination Committee
The Examination Committee is responsible for managing the entry-to-practice exam. This Committee is made up of kinesiologists and academic representatives.
Committee members:
- Adam Jongsma
- Emily McLaughlin
- Erin McHattie
- Joseph Cicchillo
- Kathryn Sinden
- Kelvin Yu
- Kimberly Klockars
- Meridith Nodwell
- Michael Herbert
- Paul Murata
- Shanice Adair-Samuel
Item Writing Committee
The Item Writing Committee is responsible for developing exam questions. This Committee is made up of kinesiologists and academic representatives.
Committee members:
- Alex Burnaru
- Alyssa Manalo
- Anushka Soni
- Catarina Martins
- Daniel Henke
- Daniel Sibley
- Dena Spencer
- Evelyn Lock
- Gina Snider
- Laura Banks
- Mandy Fournier
- Mike Walker
- Mohammadhadi Mostofinejad
- Nancy Munn
- Natalie Cuda
- Rene Vandenboom
Examination Appeals Committee
The Examination Appeals Committee is responsible for hearing appeals from candidates who fail the entry-to-practice exam.
Committee members:
- Chad McCleave, Chair
- Matthew Daher
- Benjamin Matthie
- Jotvinder Sodhi
- Oluwashindara Isaac-Oloye
CKO-Universities Liaison Committee
The CKO-Universities Liaison Committee serves as a forum for discussion between the College and academic institutions. Members of this Committee come from the various universities and colleges offering kinesiology or similar programs.
Governance and Nominations Committee
This committee was appointed for a one-year term beginning in March, 2024. The current committee term will end in March 2025.
Committee members:
- Victoria Nicholson, Chair
- Benjamin Matthie
- Melanie Jones-Drost
- Chad McCleave
Steering Committee: Strategic Planning
- Heather Westaway, Chair
- Chad McCleave
- Victoria Nicholson