What We Do
The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario is a regulatory body that oversees kinesiologists working in the province. It is not a school, and it exists to protect the public. The College receives its authority from the Kinesiology Act, 2007 and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.
The College regulates kinesiologists and protects the public by:
- setting requirements to enter the profession so that only qualified individuals can practise kinesiology.
- maintaining on its website a list of individuals qualified to practise kinesiology, known as the public register, or Find a Kinesiologist.
- developing rules and guidelines for kinesiologists’ practice and conduct, including a code of ethics.
- investigating complaints about kinesiologists’ and disciplining when necessary.
- requiring kinesiologists to participate in a program that helps ensure that their knowledge and skills are up-to-date, and monitoring that participation.
The College is run by a Council, similar to a board of directors. Learn more about Council.
The College differs from a professional association, which exists to advocate for professionals. Learn more about regulators versus associations.
To protect the public through governance that ensures excellent professional practice of Kinesiologists in Ontario.
Trusted Kinesiologists providing optimal movement for Ontarians of all ages.
The College is guided by it’s values of; Dignity & Respect, Accountability, Transparency, Excellence & Innovation, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.