Referral to the Registration Committee

Applicants may be referred to the Registration Committee at any time during the application process if the registrar has doubts about whether an applicant meets the following requirements:

  • educational equivalency 
  • language proficiency
  • good conduct and/or character concerns

Length of time and process

The Committee meets in panels as needed and the process (from referral to review to decision) may take approximately 45 business days. You will be notified of a referral and will have 30 business days to submit additional information in support of your application. The panel will review the application and any other documents submitted.

Following the review, the panel may direct the registrar to:

  • allow the applicant to write the exam.
  • put the application for the exam on hold, allowing the applicant to complete any outstanding course(s) within a specified timeframe. 
  • not issue a certificate of registration because:
    • the applicant has not met the requirements and no remediation is possible without completing a new educational program OR
    • the applicant does not meet language proficiency OR 
    • there are concerns with the applicants character or conduct.


If you apply to become registered with the College and if you disagree with a decision of the Registration Committee, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). HPARB is an independent review board established by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. If you wish to appeal the decision, you must write to HPARB and to the Registration Committee within 30 days of receiving the Committee’s decision.