By-law 10 amendments regarding the election of Council members


In January 2022, the government of the Province of Ontario proposed a series of reforms and modernization initiatives that will impact the governance of health professional regulatory colleges in Ontario. The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (“the College”) will be required to implement and abide by such proposed reforms as may be incorporated into legislation, including the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA, 1991).

From the perspective of streamlining and facilitating the College’s elections processes, the College has undertaken a review of its by-laws, including By-law 10, which pertains to the election of members of the Council of the College (“Council”). The intent of this review of By-law 10 is to ensure that by-laws pertaining to the Council nomination and election process are clear, relevant and consistent with current and anticipated legislation and best practices in regulatory governance.

View the draft By-law 10 amendments

Share your feedback

The College would like to hear from you on the By-law 10 amendments regarding the election of Council members. All feedback will be considered by Council as part of the decision-making process, whether it is reflected in the final document.

Please share your thoughts through the online survey by Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

Next steps

The College will review all feedback and present a final By-law 10 amendments for Council approval in March 2023. Once the draft By-law 10 amendments are implemented, changes will be communicated to registrants and stakeholders. If you have any questions, please email