Scope of Practice
Scope of Practice remained one of the top enquiries CKO received from Kinesiologists in 2023. Kinesiologists often have questions regarding whether a given modality, treatment, care or service can be performed or provided.
CKO’s Practice Guideline – Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts and Delegation clarifies:
- The scope of practice of kinesiology,
- The nature of and restrictions on the performance of Controlled Acts (as listed in section 27(2) of the Regulated Health Professions Act,1991 (RHPA), and
- When a kinesiologist may accept delegation of a Controlled Act from another regulated health care professional in Ontario.
Kinesiologists may wish to consider the following when determining whether a given modality, treatment, care or service might be appropriate for your patient(s)/client(s):
- Does it fall within the scope of kinesiology practice as defined in the Kinesiology Act, 2007?
- Does it require performing any of the Controlled Acts set out in the RHPA, 1991?
- If so, you may only provide that modality, treatment, care or service if it has been appropriately delegated.
- Do I have the appropriate knowledge, skill and judgement to provide the modality, treatment, care or service safely and effectively (this may include having the ability to manage foreseeable adverse events)?
Other resources:
- Scope of practice and dual registration – College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (
- Understanding Scope of Practice (
- Defining nature of practice (
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