Council meeting highlights – Dec. 4, 2023

Draft Audited Financial Statements

Blair MacKenzie and Usman Paracha from the accounting firm Hilborn LLP provided a high-level overview of CKO’s draft audited financial statements and responded to questions raised by Council members. Council approved the 2022/2023 audited financial statements for circulation and submission to the Ministry of Health.

Annual Report 

To fulfill the requirements set out in the RHPA1991, CKO submits an Annual Report to the Ministry of Health at the end of each year. Council approved the draft Annual Report for posting on CKO website and submission to the Ministry of Health.

Upon the request of the Council President, CKO will explore ways to measure the engagement with the Annual Report.

Emergency Class Policy

The CKO is in the process of establishing the necessary framework to support the new emergency class certificate. The Emergency Class Policy sets out how Council will determine when an emergency circumstance exists and when the emergency class certificate will close. Council considered and approved the policy.

Exam Development and Administration

Council approved a service contract to develop new entry-to-practice exams and exam items, upon conclusion of the Kinesiologist Core Competency Profile revalidation project in early 2024.

Funding for Sexual Abuse Therapy and Counselling Policy

CKO presented proposed amendments to the Funding for Sexual Abuse Therapy and Counselling Policy to specify how and when a funding recipient may be notified or updated as to when their funding eligibility would end. Council reviewed and approved the amendments.

Revised Budget on Communications & Media

To enhance user experience and better serve the public and other stakeholders. Council approved the proposed reallocation of funds to the website redesign project in the 2023/2024 fiscal year. The new site is anticipated to be launched in August 2024.

Five-Year Schedule of Council Meetings & 2024 Council Meeting Dates

Council revised the five-year schedule of Council meetings and set its 2024 meeting dates as follows:

  • March 25
  • June 24
  • Sept. 16 and 17
  • Dec. 2