Find a Kinesiologist

By law, the College is required to make public certain information about kinesiologists.

The Find a Kinesiologist feature, or Public Register, allows you to view certain information about a kinesiologist and, in some cases, a former kinesiologist, all in one place. You can search for a registered kinesiologist in Ontario by first or last name, city of practice, language of care or registration number. Learn about terms used on the Register.

On rare occasions, the College receives reports that individuals who are not registered are using the titles “kinesiologist”, “registered kinesiologist” or the designation “R.Kin”. These individuals are called unregulated practitioners. They are NOT registered with the College and are NOT eligible to use the titles “kinesiologist” and/or “registered kinesiologist”, or the designation “R.Kin” in Ontario. Employers are strongly encouraged to search the Public Register to verify the registration of every kinesiologist they employ.

If you cannot find who you are searching for, email the College.

Important notes:

  • You may experience difficulties searching the Public Register if you are using Internet Explorer 10 or greater. Please try your search using the latest version of another browser.
  • Use your browser’s back and forward buttons to navigate back and forth once you’ve entered a search term.