Annual Renewal

Renewal Process & Fees

Kinesiologists registered in the General and Inactive Class must renew their registration from July 1 to August 31 of each year. You will be notified via email when the renewal portal is open. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date.

An income tax receipt will be emailed to you on or shortly after February 1 of each year. 

The renewal and late fees are as follows:

Registration ClassFeeLate Fee
(applied on September 1st)

Payments can be made by MasterCard or Visa. Debit or VisaDebit payments are not accepted.

If you are applying for a class change

If you plan to change your class after annual renewal ends (e.g., a paternal leave begins in November), please do not submit a class change in August. Instead, renew in your current class and pay the applicable fees. You should submit your application for a class change closer to the date your class needs to be changed.

If you submit a class change between July 1 and August 19:
Please only complete the renewal form once you receive confirmation indicating your class change has been approved.

If you submit a class change between August 20 and August 31:
The College will not process any requests for class changes during the last week of August. You will need to complete the renewal form in your current class of registration by August 31 to avoid the late fee and increased renewal fee.

Once your application for the Inactive Class is processed, you will receive a partial refund if your application is approved.

Please send your completed application by email.

If you are currently suspended

If you are currently suspended for non-payment of fees, you must have your certificate of registration reinstated before you can renew. Please email the College for more information. 


To resign, you must first notify the College by email. You will then be asked to complete the resignation form. Your resignation is not complete until you submit the resignation form to the College and receive confirmation of approval.

Tips to make renewal quick and easy

Accessing the annual renewal form

Download the latest version of your web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). If you are using Microsoft Edge, you may experience technical difficulties that are out of the College’s control. We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Once you successfully complete the renewal form and pay your fee, you will receive a confirmation email. If further information is required, the College will follow up with you.

Documents you may need

Name change – If your name has changed since the last time you renewed, please email the College a copy of the official document that shows the name change (e.g., marriage certificate). 

Proof of insurance – If you are registered in the General Class, have a copy of your valid insurance policy on hand, since you will need to upload a copy of your certificate of insurance.

If you are renewing in the Inactive Class, you will need to declare on your renewal form that you will not practise kinesiology in any capacity while your status remains Inactive.

What happens if you don’t renew?

If we don’t receive your completed renewal form and renewal fee by August 31, you will receive a Notice of Intent to Suspend. You will have 30 days to complete the renewal form and pay the increased renewal fee and late fee.

If we don’t receive your completed renewal form and associated fees within those 30 days, your certificate of registration will be suspended. Practising while your registration is suspended or revoked is a serious offence. You cannot use the titles “kinesiologist” or “registered kinesiologist”, or the designation “R.Kin” if your certificate of registration is suspended or revoked. You also cannot hold yourself out as qualified to practise kinesiology in Ontario until the suspension is lifted.

We will continue to update the Public Register of Kinesiologists to keep the public informed about suspensions and revocations. 

Data Collection & Privacy

Much of the information collected on the renewal form is required by the Ministry of Health. All of Ontario’s regulated health professionals are required to provide the same information as part of their annual renewal process. The Ministry uses the data collected for healthcare resource planning. All data is submitted to the Ministry anonymously to protect your privacy.

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 also requires colleges to collect information about any offences or findings of malpractice or negligence that regulated health professionals may have committed within the last year.


If you have questions or concerns about the renewal process, please email the College. Due to the high volume of questions coming in during the renewal period, the College aims to respond to questions received between July and October within three to five business days.

Contact Us
  • General InquiriesEmail: info@coko.caPhone: 416-961-7000 Ext. 101


Contact Us

Contact Us

  • General InquiriesEmail: info@coko.caPhone: 416-961-7000 Ext. 101