Self Assessment

Self-assessment is the first step in the Quality Assurance (QA) Program. It is the foundation on which kinesiologists plan their continuing professional development (CPD). Self-assessment allows kinesiologists to reflect on their practice in relation to the practice standards and Essential Competencies of Practice, and identify areas for improvement.

The self-assessment asks kinesiologists a series of questions related to the practice standards and Essential Competencies that allows them to assess their knowledge, skills and judgement. Kinesiologists are required to identify a minimum of three learning goals, which form the basis of step two of the QA Program: CPD.  

Continuing professional development (CPD)

The College does not require that you collect a certain number of CPD hours or credits per year, and CPD activity does not need to be pre-approved by the College. Rather, learning is self-directed. You are encouraged to select learning activities based on your own needs and goals, and to reflect on how learning impacts your individual practice. 

Completing the self-assessment

All kinesiologists registered in the General Class must complete a self-assessment every two years. The  90-day self-assessment period begins on December 1 and ends March 1 of the next calendar year. Kinesiologists registered in the General Class and eligible to complete a self-assessment will be notified by the College by email. 

The self-assessment is accessed through the Self-Assessment Portal. Your username is always your five or two digit College registration number. If this is your first time completing the self-assessment, your password is your date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format. Once logged in, click the “Self-Assessment” tab to get started.

The self-assessment contains nine sections that may be completed in any order, and allows you to save your work and return to it later.

Important Note: Kinesiologists are encouraged to complete their self-assessment on a home computer using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as certain features of the Portal are reportedly unavailable when completing the self-assessment from a work computer or on Internet Explorer.

Submission of data

Self-assessments and ILPs are considered by the Quality Assurance Committee in aggregate form only. Self-assessments and ILPs are not individually reviewed. Aggregate data will be used by the College to inform the development of programs and tools to support kinesiologists’ practice and professional development.

Related FAQ's

  • Yes, all Kinesiologists registered in the General Class are required to complete it. Not completing the Self-assessment is grounds for selection for the Peer and Practice Assessment.

  • The full module will take between 2-4 hours. You are not required to complete the module in one sitting, you can save your progress and return to the module at a later date.

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