Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series #1: Scope of Practice
To fulfill our public protection mandate, CKO creates Practice Standards and Guidelines to ensure that kinesiologists provide safe and ethical treatment, care and services to their patients/clients. Kinesiologists must understand and adhere to these Practice Standards and Guidelines.
Each year, CKO collects data on the most common Practice Advice questions and includes such data in our . One of the most frequently arising topics in 2023 was questions related to the Practice Guideline – Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts and Delegation. Such questions, which come from kinesiologists, their patients/clients and colleagues, may include:
“Is “X” (modality, treatment, care or service) within the scope of practice for kinesiologists in Ontario?”
To help identify learning opportunities and facilitate communication between kinesiologists and CKO, CKO is launching a series of surveys regarding Practice Standards and Guidelines. The first survey of this series is focused on the Practice Guideline – Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts and Delegation.
All kinesiologists are invited to complete this short and anonymous survey. Your response will help CKO understand kinesiologists’ needs and provide additional resources to ensure kinesiologists’ practice remains safe, ethical and high quality. The survey may also be an opportunity for you to reflect on your knowledge and understanding of the Practice Guidelines and identify individual learning goals.
The survey results will be shared in the April issue of the newsletter.
Questions about the survey and Practice Standards and Guidelines? Email