Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series: 2024 in review

To fulfill our public protection mandate, CKO creates Practice Standards and Guidelines to ensure that kinesiologists provide safe and ethical treatment, care and services to their patients/clients. Kinesiologists must understand and follow these Practice Standards and Guidelines.

Having published monthly surveys regarding various Practice Standards and Practice Guidelines over the course of 2024, the start of the College’s Self-Assessment, which is open from December 1, 2024 – March 1, 2025, may be a valuable time to review the 2024 surveys and reflect on professional strengths and opportunities for continuous professional development. Kinesiologists can certainly include Practice Standard and Practice Guideline review and survey completions in their Self-Assessments and Individual Learning Plans.

For review, here are links to the existing surveys:

We would also invite you to complete the following brief survey regarding the Practice Standard and Guideline survey series so far. Thank you in advance for your feedback and engagement!

Questions and/or feedback about the survey, and Practice Standards and Guidelines?
