Registration fees and By-Law 19 amendments
In 2013, CKO was founded to protect the public by regulating kinesiology practice in Ontario. Throughout the past 10 years, about 3,000 kinesiologists have registered with CKO, and their fees enabled us to create robust programs to ensure registered kinesiologists (R.Kin) are held to high standards and keep Ontarians safe.
For the past decade, CKO successfully fulfilled our legislated mandate to protect the public without adding additional costs to our registrants. However, as the cost of maintaining our work has increased due to inflation, to ensure we can continue to protect the public by effectively regulating kinesiology practice, CKO reviewed our fee structure and proposed a fee increase.
In addition, since CKO’s By-Law doesn’t contain a mechanism to allow a fee structure review, we also proposed amendments to By-Law 19, including:
- By-law 19.11: Annual Fee Increase;
- By-law 19.12: Power to Waive Fee Increases; and
- By-law 19.13: Review of Fees.
After a 60-day public consultation from March to May, we received 280 responses from registrants, professional associations and others (including members of the public). Council carefully reviewed all the feedback received, discussed the pros and cons, and approved the proposed fee increase and amendments to By-Law 19 at their June meeting. The fee increase will take effect on September 1, 2023.
View CKO’s Fee Comparison in full
Thanks to all those who participated in the consultation! Your feedback helped us understand your perspectives on the proposed fee increase and by-law amendments and minimize the potential impact on your practice.
Questions? Have questions about the renewal process, please email us at