Conflict of Interest


Kinesiologists may encounter situations where their personal interest’s conflict with those of their patients/clients. The Standard describes how kinesiologists are expected to manage and avoid these real, potential and perceived conflicts of interest.

To learn more please review the full Standard PDF above.


essential competencies

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Performance Indicators
Practice Illustrations
3.1.5 Recognizes, manages and declares real, potential, and perceived conflicts of interest.

Is pro-active in foreseeing and preventing situations that may present a conflict of interest.
Understands and readily identifies conflicts of interest.
Discloses when actions present a personal gain or interest, or if a decision directly or indirectly affects professional judgment.
Discloses to the patient/client that a profit will be made when recommending products and services.
Complies with practice standards regarding recommending and working with vendors.

3.1.1 Accepts responsibility and accountability for actions and decisions.

Reports an incident of unprofessional, unsafe or unethical behaviour.
Reports near-miss events or occurrences of medical errors or incidents.
Reflects on and evaluates own actions and decisions.

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