We want your feedback!
At its meeting on December 5, 2022, the Council of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO) approved the proposed amendments to the College’s Fee Schedule for a 60-day external consultation. Now we are looking for your participation in the consultation on the proposed changes to fees and By-law 19.
Learn more and provide your feedback.
The College is proposing to increase fees to meet anticipated and unanticipated demands. A fee increase is in the best interest of public safety and will ensure that the College has the processes, tools, and resources in place to fulfill its public protection mandate.
We value the contributions of our registrants, the public and stakeholders in helping us maintain the high standards of the profession of kinesiology in Ontario. We’re committed to maintaining our public protection mandate by continued improvements to ensuring safe and effective care.
Let us know what you think by May 22, 2023.
Please contact us at finance@coko.ca if you have any questions regarding the consultation and by-law review process.